"What’s Your Super?” is a 6-Class interactive performance and drawing activity series that reinforces the 6 Super Themes of the Super Art League: Curiosity, Creativity, Compassion, Self-Confidence, Teamwork, and Inclusion.
What you receive: 6-classes in one zippered tote bag. Each Blue Tote is 20"x16"x6" with a space for student’s name, and 6 individually bagged and labeled project Kits inside. Each Kit has step-by-step instructions that has been piloted within the Columbus Public Schools’ classrooms and summer programs.
Course Description: What’s Your Super? is a 6-Week Art program developed by the Super Art League and integrates visual art with performance art to build super personas. At the end of the course, we will showcase a 45-minute performance of the stories we co-create over 6-weeks. Through structured play, we celebrate the story of what makes each of us super. We believe that celebrating what makes each of us super is a way to see and treat others as a super extension of ourselves.
Course Goals: Your super is something unique about yourself that you are proud of. The goals of the course are to build your super persona and share it with your community by:
- Designing a super logo (with cape), super mask, and super sidekick puppet.
- Embodying your super persona through puppetry and improv.
- Storytelling based on the themes of Teamwork, Friendship, and Community.
Course Learning Outcomes: Students will have explored what teamwork, friendship, and community means through co-creating stories together. Additionally, students will learn basic puppetry skills, how to have stage presence, and how to tell a story through improvisation.